Sunday, November 23, 2008


Dupa ce oamenii au luat putin la bord au crezut ca sunt la lupte libere nu la o nunta si s-au luat la bataie.Urmariti se sa intamplat

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dupa parerea mea asta e cel mai tare om......mai ales ca acum face mijto de Vadim Tudor

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mircea Badea si politistu' de la Balea Lac

Deci are foarte mare dreptate,si ii cel mai tare tip din romania,Mircea Badea,uitati-va la tot filmuletul

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Funny prank

The very best prank

Saturday, November 1, 2008

What Is Happening in America?

In the Western democracies in the last fifty years, we have grown accustomed to governments whose policies on specific issues may be good or bad, but which essentially institute incremental changes to the status quo. The major exceptions have been Thatcher and Reagan, but even their programs of dismantling systems of social welfare seem, in retrospect, mild compared to what is happening in the United States under George Bush-- or more exactly, the ruling junta that tells Bush what to do and say.

It is unquestionably the most radical government in modern American history, one whose ideology and actions have become so pervasive, and are so unquestionably mirrored by the mass media here, that the population seems to have forgotten what "normal" is.

George Bush is the first unelected President of the United States, installed by a right-wing Supreme Court in a kind of judicial coup d'etat. He is the first to actively subvert one of the pillars of American democracy: the separation of church and state. There are now daily prayer meetings and Bible study groups in every branch of the government, and religious organizations are being given funds to take over educational and welfare programs that have always been the domain of the state.

Bush is the first president to invoke the specific "Jesus Christ" rather than an ecumenical "God," and he has surrounded himself with evangelical Christians, including his Attorney General, who attends a church where he talks in tongues.

It is the first administration to openly declare a policy of unilateral aggression, a "Pax Americana" where the presence of allies (whether England or Bulgaria) is agreeable but unimportant; where international treaties no longer apply to the United States; and where-- for the first time in history-- this country reserves the right to non-defensive, "pre-emptive" strikes against any nation on earth, for whatever reason it declares.

It is the first-- since the internment of Japanese-Americans in World War II-- to enact special laws for a specific ethnic group. Non-citizen young Muslim men are now required to register and subject themselves to interrogation. Many hundreds have been arrested and held without trial or access to legal assistance-- a violation of another pillar of American democracy: habeas corpus. Many have been taken from their families and deported on minor technical immigration violations; the whereabouts of many others are still unknown. And, in Guantanamo Bay, where it is said that they are now preparing execution chambers, hundreds of foreign nationals -- including a 13-year-old and a man who claims to be 100-- have been kept for almost two years in a limbo that clearly contravenes the Geneva Convention.

Similar to the Reagan era, it is an administration openly devoted to helping the rich and ignoring the poor, one that has turned the surplus of the Clinton years into a massive deficit through its combination of enormous tax cuts for the wealthy (particularly those who earn more than a million dollars a year) and increases in defense spending. (And, although Republicans always campaign on "less government," it has created the largest new government bureaucracy in history: the Department of Homeland Security.) The Financial Times of England, hardly a hotbed of leftists, has categorized this economic policy as "the lunatics taking over the asylum."

But more than Reagan-- whose policies tended to benefit the rich in general-- most of Bush's legislation specifically enriches those in his lifelong inner circle from the oil, mining, logging, construction, and pharmaceutical industries. At the middle level of the bureaucracy, where laws may be issued without Congressional approval, hundreds of regulations have been changed to lower standards of pollution or safety in the workplace, to open up wilderness areas for exploitation, or to eliminate the testing of drugs.

Billions in government contracts have been awarded, without competition, to corporations formerly run by administration officials. In a country where the most significant social changes are enacted by court rulings, rather than by legislation, the Bush administration has been filling every level of the complex judicial system with ultra-right ideologues, especially those who have protected corporations from lawsuits by individuals or environmental groups, and those who are opposed to women's reproductive rights. It remains to be seen how far they can push their antipathy to contraception and abortion. They have already banned a rare form of late-term abortion that is only given when the health of the mother is endangered or the fetus is terribly deformed, and a large portion of Bush's heralded billions to Africa to fight AIDS will be devoted to so-called "abstinence" education.

Most of all, America doesn't feel like America any more. The climate of militarism and fear, similar to any totalitarian state, permeates everything. Bush is the first American president in memory to swagger around in a military uniform, though he himself-- like all of his most militant advisers-- evaded the Vietnam War. (Even Eisenhower, a general and a war hero, never wore his uniform while he was president).

In the airports of provincial cities, there are frequent announcements in that assuring, disembodied voice of science-fiction films: "The Department of Homeland Security advises that the Terror Alert is now . . . Code Orange." Every few weeks there is an announcement that another terrorist attack is imminent, and citizens are urged to take ludicrous measures, like sealing their windows, against biological and chemical attacks, and to report the suspicious activities of their neighbors.

The Pentagon institutes the "Total Information Awareness" program to collect data on the ordinary activities of ordinary citizens (credit card charges, library book withdrawals, university course enrollments) and when this is perceived as going too far, they change the name to "Terrorist Information Awareness" and continue to do the same things. Millions are listed in airport security computers as potential terrorists, including antiwar demonstrators and pacifists. Critics are warned to "watch what they say" and lists of "traitors" are posted on the internet.

The war in Iraq has been the most extreme manifestation of this new America, and almost a casebook study in totalitarian techniques.

First, an Enemy is created by blatant lies that are endlessly repeated until the population believes it: in this case, that Iraq was linked to the attack on the World Trade Center, and that it possesses vast "weapons of mass destruction" that threaten the world.

Then, a War of Liberation, entirely portrayed by the mass media in terms of our Heroic Troops, with little or no imagery of casualties and devastation, and with morale-inspiring, scripted "news" scenes-- such as the toppling of the Saddam statue and the heroic "rescue" of Private Lynch-- worthy of Soviet cinema.

Finally, as has happened with Afghanistan, very little news of the chaos that has followed the Great Victory. Instead, the propaganda machine moves on to a new Enemy-- this time, Iran.

It is very difficult to speak of what is happening in America without resorting to the hyperbolic cliches of anti-Americanism that have lost their meaning after so many decades, but that have now finally come true.

Perhaps one can only recite the facts, and I have mentioned only some of them here. This is, quite simply, the most frightening American administration in modern times, one that is appalling both to the left and to traditional conservatives. This junta is unabashed in its imperialist ambitions; it is enacting an Orwellian state of Perpetual War; it is dismantling, or attempting to dismantle, some of the most fundamental tenets of American democracy; it is acting without opposition within the government, and is operating so quickly on so many fronts that it has overwhelmed and exhausted any popular opposition.

Perhaps it cannot be stopped, but the first step toward slowing it down is the recognition that this is an American government unlike any other in this country's history, and one for whom democracy is an obstacle

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

CERN inaugurates the LHC

Geneva, 21 October 2008. Swiss President Pascal Couchepin and French Prime Minister François Fillon were joined at CERN1 today by science ministers from CERN’s Member States and around the world to inaugurate the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest and most complex scientific instrument.

“Today is a day for CERN to thank its Member States for their continued support for basic science, and for providing the stable framework that makes science of this kind possible,” said CERN Director General Robert Aymar. It is also a day for CERN and the global particle physics community to take a sense of pride in the achievement of bringing this unique facility from dream to reality, a process that has taken over two decades of careful planning, prototyping and construction, culminating with the successful circulation of the machine’s first protons in front of a global audience on 10 September this year.

The inauguration ceremony consisted of speeches, exhibitions and a new audiovisual concert, “ORIGINS”, an adaptation of “LIFE: A Journey Through Time”, featuring the imagery of National Geographic photographer Frans Lanting and the music of Philip Glass, performed by the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande conducted by Carolyn Kuan.

“The younger generations target their ambitions on what they experience while growing up,” said President of CERN Council, Torsten Åkesson. “Science and technology need flagships that stand out and catch the eye, excite fantasy and fuel curiosity. The LHC is one such flagship.”

The ceremony was followed by a buffet of molecular gastronomy presented by Chef Ettore Bocchia, and was made possible thanks to the generous support of a range of sponsoring companies and organizations2, most of which have contributed to the construction of the LHC.

“The LHC is the largest and most sophisticated scientific instrument ever built. There have been many challenges along the way, which have all been overcome one after the other,” said LHC Project Leader Lyndon Evans. “We are now looking forward to the start of the experimental programme. The adventure of building the LHC will end and a new adventure of discovery will begin.”

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Alba ca Zapada (varianta mea)

A fost o data ca niciodata,ca daca nu ar fi fost nu s-ar povesti.A fost un imparat.Si imparatul acesta era insurat cu….Scufita Rosie.Imparatul si Scufita Rosie nu aveau copii desi isi doreau foarte mult.
Intr-o iarna statea Scufita in geam si croseta ciorapi de lana a intepat in deget si o picatura de vin….pardon o picatura de sange a cazut pe zapada de pe pervaz.Atunci Scufita isi dori sa aiba o fata cu parul negru ca noaptea si cu fata ca zapada….si….asa a si avut o fata cu parul ca noaptea cand se facea dimineata era cheala si cu fata ca zapada cand baga tigarea in gura i se topea fata.Dupa ce a nascuto pe Alba ca zapada si cheala ca Britney ca asa au numito(eu o sa ii zic alba ca zapada)Scufita Rosie a murit.Imparatul pe care il chema Tarzan se insura cu fata mosului .In fiecare zi ea se ducea in fata oglinzi si zicea:”oglinda oglinjoara cine e cea mai sexy din tara??”.si oglinda ii zicea ca ea este cea mai frumoasa.
Cand crescu Alba ca Zapada mare era mai frumoasa decat fata mosului si cand aceasta intreba oglinda cine este cea mai frumoasa din tara oglinda ii spuse ca alba ca zapada.Fata mosului il cema pe Robocop si ii spuse sa o duca pe Alba ca zapada in padure sa o omoare….Acesta a duso in padure si i-a dat drumul.Si pleca Alba ca Zapada prin padure si tot merse si merse pana cand se intalni cu ursul pacalit de vulpe si ursu asta nu avea coada ca era pacalit de vulpe. Alba ca zapada il intreba pe urs unde este casa piticilor.Acesta nu stia,dar ia zis sa mearga la Palatul de Jad sa vorbeasca cu Vrajitorul din Oz.Pleca Alba ca zapada si a mers vreo 20 de min pana la gara si de acolo lua trenul spre palatul de Jad. Cand ajunse acolo si intra in palat se intalni cu Terminator 2 care ii zise:”Vrajitorul nu e acasa dar don’t worry he will be back”.Astepta Alba ca Zapada ce astepta cand auzi usa ca se deschide si cand se uita a vazut-o pe Cenusereasa,care i-a zis sa mearga cu tramvaiul 24 pana la ultima statie si acolo e casa piticilor.Pleca Alba ca zapada si cheala ca Britney si ajunse lacasa piticilor.unde pitici o asteptau si i-au zis:”Poi bine Alba ca Zapada,la ora asta se vine te asteptam de 2 ore”.Si Alba ca Zapada l-ea raspuns:”Poi stiti nu am avut bani de Taxi si a trebuit sa vin cu tramvaiul”.
Trecura vreo 2 zile dupa care afla fata mosului ca Alba ca Zapada traieste,sa enervat la demontat pe Robocop si la trimis la fier vechi,dupa care se dete de 3 ori peste cap si sia rupt o mana,ca nu era atleta,se prefacu intro baba urata,adica si-a luat un batic pe cap,si porni spre casa piticilor,ia facut ceva lu’ Alba ca Zapada si aceasata cazu jos lesinata.Cand venira pitici acasa si o vazura incepura sa planga si sa ii scoata marul din gat.Si se chinuira ei asa doua ore pana cand aparu printul Tutankamon si ia intrebat ce a patit Alba ca Zapada si pitici i-au raspuns ca i-a ramas marul in gat….si se chinuie ei cu bormasina, cu levieru,si nu pot sa ii scoata marul din gat,pe urma isi dau seama:”Stati mai ca asta e marul lui Adam”.Ii scoasera piaptanul din par si isi reveni si se marita cu Tutankamon,iar fata mosului se angaja la zoo sa aiba grija de animale si Alba ca Zapada si Tutankamon traira fericiti pana la adanci batraneti.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

12 motive pentru care te afli in zodia ta

12 motive pentru care te aflii in zodia BERBEC:
1. Primul motiv pentru care esti un Berbec: Esti foarte hotarat !
2. Niciodata nu te plictisesti.
3. Opiniile sunt intotdeauna prezente.
4. Ai realizat mari lucrari de pionierat.
5. Motto-ul tau: Aventurierii suntem noi.
6. Iti place mancarea gen fast - food.
7. Te inalti ( te ridici ) inainte de a privi.
8. Pasional, pasional, pasional…
9. Intotdeauna vrei sa fi primul in ceea ce faci.
10. Oh ! Temperamentul tau.
11. Ai gusturi indraznete.
12. Open mind: Nu cu ochii se poate vedea in intuneric.
12 motive pentru care te aflii in zodia TAUR
1. Primul motiv Renuntarea iti este un concept strain.
2. Motto-ul tau Mai bine te lupti decat sa intorci spatele.
3. Vei manca orice.
4. Niciodata nu vei primi premiul pentru «tactica».
5. Muncesti prea mult.
6. Iti place incaltamintea practica.
7. Noi stim (toata lumea stie) ca o vei face (vei duce proiectul la bun sfarsit).
8. Esti, oh, atat de romantic…
9. …si atat de sociabil.
10. Pentru mintea ta iscoditoare, nu exista taine.
11. Iti place sa te asociezi cu parteneri puternici.
12. Open mind: Atunci cand o usa se inchide, se deschide alta.
12 motive pentru care te aflii in zodia GEMENI
1. Esti maret la multiple sarcini.
2. Vorbesti, vorbesti, vorbesti…
3. Iti plac lucrurile noi.
4. Motto-ul tau: Cred orice, atata timp cat iubesc.
5. Nimeni nu te intelege (esti un neinteles).
6. Nu esti confuz cand vine vorba de dovezi.
7. Faci prietenii solide.
8. Esti cu adevarat amuzant.
9. Niciodata nu furi.
10. Etalezi o spontanietate care iti amplifica naturaletea.
11. Esti pe aceeasi frecventa cu ritmurile societatii.
12. Open mind: Fantezia nu este decat inceputul
12 motive pentru care te aflii in zodia RAC
1. Exerciti o atractie mistica.
2. Nu poti ascunde ceea ce gandesti.
3. Iti place sa stai acasa.
4. Adori mancarea buna (sanatoasa).
5. Consideri ca ti se ranesc cu usurinta sentimentele.
6. Motto-ul tau: Amprentele digitale si fulgii de zapada nu sunt singurele elemente caracterizate prin unicitate absoluta.
7. Te comporti ca o closca cu puii ei.
8. Te gandesti ca esti intr-o continua distractie.
9. Iti place sa ii indestulezi pe oameni, sa-i hranesti.
10. Lasa-ma sa-ti plang pe umar !
11. Nimeni nu iti poate impune o idee sau o atitudine.
12. Open mind: Si a trai este un act de creatie.
12 motive pentru care te aflii in zodia LEU
1. Niciodata nu vei fi un las, un om slab.
2. Mereu, gata de drum.
3. Motto-ul tau: Sunt cel mai bun !
4. Un asa magnetism animalic…mai rar.
5. Te poti plange cu voce tare.
6. Iti place ca oamenii sa depinda de tine.
7. Nascut actor - ai actoria in sange.
8. Intotdeauna distractiv sa-l ai in preajma.
9. Legaturi pline de semnificatii.
10. Charisma si hotarare de a izbandi.
11. Te implici fara rezerve in ceea ce faci.
12. Open mind: Un copac are multe ramuri si frunze, dar o singura tulpina.
12 motive pentru care te aflii in zodia FECIOARA
1. Expert in folosirea cuvintelor.
2. Motto-ul tau: Realizarea cea mai mare a unei persoane cu adevarat ambitioase poate fi simpla amabilitate.
3. Faci cele mai pertinente recenzii critice.
4. Atat de elegant si curat.
5. Mentii standardele altora la cote inalte.
6. Potrivit pentru a fi un mare comediant.
7. Esti foarte bun in a-ti ascunde emotiile.
8. Model de constrangere excesiva.
9. Sincer si real.
10. Complet concentrat asupra obiectivelor.
11. Detaliile sunt viata ta.
12. Open mind: Nu intotdeauna calea cea mai grea este si cea mai buna.
12 motive pentru care te aflii in zodia BALANTA
1. Vrei ca toata lumea sa fie fericita.
2. Motto-ul tau: Am gust in toate.
3. Nu ai idei sau prejudecati preconcepute.
4. Oh, atat de iubitor.
5. Iti place sa fii drept.
6. Super sensibil.
7. O furtuna a mintii, dar de lux.
8. Urasti sa iei o decizie.
9. In continuu iti redecorezi casa.
10. Mare amator de senzational.
11. Iti cunosti bine limitele.
12. Open mind: Toti muncim pentru Dumnezeu. Este un patron dur si salariul nu-i intotdeauna grozav, dar exista destule rasplati.
12 motive pentru care te aflii in zodia SCORPION
1. Nu are frica.
2. Oh, atat de misterios.
3. Vrea ceea ce tu nu poti avea.
4. Motto-ul tau: Lasa-ma in pace !
5. Un ganditor atat de profund.
6. Esti un spirit fara granite.
7. Ai o limba cam ascutita.
8. Oare iti dai seama cat de rebel esti.
9. Cercetezi vietile altora cu ochi critici si precisi.
10. Acorzi o mare insemnatate bunului simt.
11. Personaj care modifica actiunea piesei.
12. Open mind: Sa pierzi cu eleganta poate fi o victorie importanta.
12 motive pentru care te aflii in zodia SAGETATOR
1. Esti o ratusca norocoasa.
2. Motto-ul tau: Media mea este buna, pe bune! Vorbesc serios!
3. Vei calatori oriunde pentru orice.
4. Viata de petreceri.
5. Bun simt al umorului.
6. Iti plac prietenii tai la nebunie.
7. Mai multa rabdare decat o stanca.
8. Nu suporti sa ti se puna pumnul in gura.
9. Fa un eveniment olimpic decat sa fi un antrenor de pampalai.
10. Extrem de competitiv.
11. Momentul cel mai important - Prezentul.
12. Open mind: Simplele realitati ale vietii cotidiene au o legatura importanta cu lumea idealurilor marete.
12 motive pentru care te aflii in zodia CAPRICORN
1. Muncesti cu inteligenta nu cu greutate.
2. Timpul este intodeauna de partea ta.
3. Motto-ul tau: Prefer sa lupt decat sa ma schimb.
4. O asa clasa…mai rar.
5. Tie iti pasa ceea ce altii gandesc.
6. Ca iepurasul cu baterii energizer - continui sa functionezi la nesfarsit.
7. Intuitia nu te inseala.
8. Arme puternice - inteligenta si ironia.
9. Stii sa improvizezi.
10. Nu iti place sa faci «valuri» .
11. Flexibil in codul moral.
12. Open mind: Emotiile pot fi calmate cu ajutorul respiratiei.
12 motive pentru care te aflii in zodia VARSATOR
1. Rareori incerci sa faci ceva la care stii ca nu te pricepi.
2. Motto-ul tau: Informatia inseamna Putere.
3. Atat de independent.
4. Imprevizibil total.
5. Fascinat de tot ce il inconjoara.
6. Dornic sa salveze lumea.
7. Nu ii pasa ceea ce cred ceilalti.
8. Pastreaza optiunile deschise.
9. Un nonconformist notoriu.
10. Individualist in alegerile pe care le faci.
11. Iti plac delicatesele neobisnuite.
12. Open mind: Lumea necunoscutului trebuie intotdeauna respectata.
12 motive pentru care te aflii in zodia PESTI
1. Un farmec si o imaginatie atragatoare.
2. Niciodata nu arunca nimic…
3. Motto-ul tau: In cotidian, exista miracole ce se repeta mereu.
4. Atat de retras, pustnic…
5. Intotdeauna meriti mai bun, mai bine.
6. Compasiv si generos.
7. Nici pe departe usor de determinat.
8. Poate fi foarte la obiect.
9. Inclinat spre conceptualizare.
10. Supraincarcat cu enormitatea universului.
11. Emotii profunde si sensibile.
12. Open mind: Precautia nu trebuie confundata in mod gresit cu lasitatea.
Eu sunt scorpion…..voi in ce zodie sunteti?????

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Eclipsa partiala de luna

Dupa cum probabil stiti aseara a fost eclipsa partiala de luna.....Fenomenul face parte din seria Saros fiind a 29-a din cele 83 de eclipse ale seriei. Prima eclipsa a acestei serii a avut loc pe 5 octombrie 1503 la sudul penumbrei terestre iar ultima se va produce pe 30 martie 2982 in nordul penumbrei planetei noastre. Diagrama de producere a eclipselor de Luna din seria Saros 138 este:

22N 8P 26T 6P 21N

Diagrama prezinta in ordine cronologica numarul si tipul eclipselor din serie: N - prin penumbra, P - partiale, si T - totale.
Seria Saros 138 este inca la inceput. Dupa eclipsa din 16 august 2008 va urma inca o partiala in 28 august 2026 iar pe 7 septembrie 2044 va avea loc prima eclipsa totala de Luna din cele 26 ale seriei.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Ma ce???

Stau cate o data si ma ce???

De ce lumea este din ce in ce mai rea???
De ce incep oamenii razboaie?
De ce nu pot oamenii sa se inteleaga prin vorba buna??
Sincer sunt multe intrebari pe care nu o sa le mai orice caz sunt multe intrebari la care inca nu stiu nici un raspuns si as vrea foarte mult sa il aflu.....


Asta e cam prima mea postare de cand am facut blogul...sper sa va placa